Jefferson Parish Schools Play Structures
Our team successfully completed the construction of large, covered structures for Jefferson Parish public schools. These durable and weather-resistant structures provide essential outdoor spaces for students and staff, offering shade and protection from the elements. Designed for long-term use, these additions enhance the school environment by creating functional areas for gatherings, events, and outdoor learning.
Sophie B. Wright Exterior Replacement
Replacement of exterior building enhancements on entire building. New crown and architectural elements installed on building.
Lusher Lions Gate Theatre
Demolishing and renovation of classroom areas and building new theatre, dressing rooms, hallways, restrooms and enhancements.
Bonnabel High School
Exterior remodel of 2 buildings with new stone and aluminum façade. Enlargement of 4 staircases on 2 buildings and replacement of interior of ceilings and lighting on 2 buildings.
Truman Middle School Jefferson Parish
Structural enhancements to existing buildings throughout school campus. Steel structural reinforcing to 71 classrooms. Concrete structural reinforcements to existing walls and staircase walls. Various block and masonry work.
Paul Solis Elementary School
Two new 3500 sq. ft. buildings added on to the existing facility. State of the art classrooms with 4 restroom and all built-ins. This project was completed under budget.
Airline Park Elementary
New Asphalt parking lot with drainage.
John Ehret High School
Exterior remodel of 3 buildings with new stone and aluminum facade. Replacement of exterior windows and general painting.
Lafitte Head Start – New Orleans
Renovated 2 historic public housing buildings and changed use into daycare/schools/office/kitchen. New roofing, mechanicals, electrical, walls, ceilings, site work and exterior enhancements.